Friday, November 1, 2013

The reason so many people fail with online marketing

One of the largest reasons why people fail to make any money online is because they run around in circles chasing the newest shiny object rather than focusing on just one or two things and then becoming very competent at them.

There are numerous methods to make cash over the internet, such as blogging, SEO, email marketing, article marketing etc and they all work. However they all take work. Too many newcomers might go and create a couple articles, submit them to a few directories, make no sales and then go around complaining that internet marketing doesn't work.

The trick is to choose one area of IM that excites you the most and then get great at it since the more you enjoy something, the more likely you are to learn more and get mastery over that topic.

It's what has worked for me. What do you guys think?

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